help us meet the urgent basic needs of the precious people of Bethlehem beyond the Christmas season

Join us as we work to increase our monthly budget to help meet the urgent basic needs that exist in Bethlehem all year round:
We are looking for 50 new monthly donors at a minimum of $25/month specifically to:
help provide food and clothing to need families and widows in Bethlehem
cover tuition, books and uniforms required for school
We are always grateful for one-time gifts
$50 - $100 will provide food for one widow ($50) or one family ($100) to include non-perishables (oil, rice, flour) that will last several weeks
help to secure Life-saving medicine and other needs
bring hope and joy to Bethlehem – the place where the light of world was born!
Modern-day Bethlehem is a beautiful but extremely complex and diverse city. For most, it’s not an easy place to live, often disrupted by unrest and more recently, Covid19. Over 90% of the local economy relies on exclusively tourism which ceased in March of 2020. Even now, tourism remains severely disrupted which has left many families unable to meet their most basic of needs.
as we begin 2022, we are focusing on furthering our vision / strategy to create sustainable employment opportunities that don’t rely on tourism, we hope to find financial partners who would like to sow into this important strategic, long-term campaign. One-time or ongoing gifts are most welcome.
Please help us share our vision and mission! If you have any questions or would like to host a fundraiser for Christmas in Bethlehem, please contact us! Our Bethlehem or stateside team is ready to help you bring Bethlehem to your church, ministry or group!
The mission of Christmas in Bethlehem is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way by meeting the urgent and most basic needs of those living in the city that birthed Christmas. Through this project, Christmas in Bethlehem partners with individuals, businesses, and churches around the world to bring light and hope to those who are struggling to live in this Biblically significant, yet struggling and often turbulent city. For more information go to